10 easy questions to ask to get the right contraception for you

Thinking about what birth control method works best for you can be an overwhelming activity and can take some time trying to find what works best for YOU. Proper counselling with your gynae is important and can help you find what you are looking for with the least amount of hurdles. Here is a list […]

Questions you are too shy to ask

There are some questions that can be super awkward and embarrassing to ask that we end up not asking them at all. And when we don’t ask, we end up dealing with that awful feeling of not knowing. With the help of Insider.com, we’ve come up with a list of some of the most burning […]

What hormones are in contraception and what effect do they have on your body?

Hormonal contraceptives are made up of the alternate and synthetic forms of the female sex hormones oestrogen and progesterone. The synthetic form of progesterone is referred to as progestin.  So, to give you a better understanding of how the hormones in contraceptives work, let’s backtrack a little bit and talk about the normal functioning of […]

The most compelling reasons to go non-hormonal

Your friend’s wedding is coming up, but you can’t fit into the little black dress you had planned to wear anymore, and the number on the scale keeps rising. You want to ask her to help you pick out a new one, but your erratic mood swings have put a strain on your relationship. Awkward! […]

Signs your contraception isn’t working for you anymore

In any situation, it is always good to know when to stop. You know it’s time to stop your squat reps at the gym when your legs feel like ramen noodles. You know it’s time to put that wine glass down when what was not funny 5 minutes ago has a sudden Trevor Noah comedy […]

The History of Contraception

In light of Woman’s month in South Africa, we have decided to celebrate by educating those interested in learning about the history of contraception. Have you ever wondered, “where did it start?” or “what are the crazy ways women used contraception in the past?” – well, look no further, because we are going to dive […]

What is the IUB Ballerine

What is an IUB? You might have heard of and be familiar with the T-shaped IUD and might be thinking IUB must be a typo. “Darn autocorrect” right? Wrong! IUB is the newest kid on the block when it comes to non-hormonal contraception. IUB stands for “Intrauterine Ball” and it is a hormone-free contraception that […]