Questions you are too shy to ask

There are some questions that can be super awkward and embarrassing to ask that we end up not asking them at all. And when we don’t ask, we end up dealing with that awful feeling of not knowing.

With the help of, we’ve come up with a list of some of the most burning questions about the IUB, that you were probably too shy to ask. You’re not going to suffer in silence on our watch. We’re laying all IUB business out in the streets, including the awkward and embarrassing stuff. 

So, sit tight, and dim your phone screen if you’re reading in public and let’s check these questions out.

The thought of having an IUB inserted in your uterus when you’re on your period can be very uncomfortable. You just don’t want anybody in your business down there when you’re bleeding. But awkward as the thought may be, the best time to insert your IUB is during your period.

Firstly, it ensures that you’re not pregnant. The last thing gynaes want to do is to put an IUB in someone who might be pregnant and not recognise it.

Also, the cervix might be a bit more open during your period, which can make insertion a bit easier. Insertion is a very quick process; after all, so you don’t have to feel like you’re in an awkward situation for a long time.

First, keep in mind that the IUB does not protect against sexually transmitted infections. You still have to use condoms to avoid those. 

Otherwise, after you have your IUB inserted, gynaes advise that you wait for at least one week before hopping onto the sex express. This is because when you orgasm, your uterus contracts, and with a newly inserted IUB, this could cause expulsion. Give your body and your IUB at least one week to settle and to get used to one another before you have sex.


It’s highly unlikely, but your partner feeling the IUB removal strings is a possibility. If this is the case, the strings should get softer and less noticeable with time. But if your partner feeling the strings is really causing an issue after a few months, call your gynae.  

Your gynae might trim the strings a bit shorter, or tuck them into your cervix.

It would be really tough, as in almost physically impossible tough. But I guess “almost” physically impossible is the right word because if you watch I didn’t know I was pregnant, you know that crazy, almost impossible things can happen. 

Expulsions, where the IUB drops lower in the uterus or into the cervix can occur, but not as a result of you accidentally pulling out your IUB. They are not very common. These are usually a result of having uterus contractions that move the IUB.

So, you don’t have to worry about accidentally yanking out your entire IUB.

No, not at all. It’s a common myth that using contraception can cause infertility, and this myth is not unique to one contraception alone. Your fertility goes back to what it was before the IUB, immediately after you have it removed. So rest easy, the IUB will not sterilise you.

Yes, you can use tampons safely. Removing a tampon shouldn’t dislodge your IUB or move your strings or anything like that. That said, never say never! In general, your IUB and tampons can happily co-exist during that time of the month, but we still recommend trimming the removal threads extra short and being more cautious when changing them.

Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for using a menstrual cup, they’ve done the studies and the risk of expulsion is much higher! So, rather tuck it away in your drawer, and keep your IUB safely in place.

IUBs are really effective, with an efficacy rate of over 99%. However, apart from abstinence, no form of birth control prevents pregnancy 100% of the time.  Pregnancy is highly, highly, unlikely but still possible.

First, watch for early pregnancy symptoms, like fatigue, swollen or tender breasts, and nausea. Then you want to look out for irregular bleeding.

After the first six months, when you’re used to what your IUB bleeding habits are like, start to reassess your symptoms. If you’re suddenly getting spotting when you never did, do a pregnancy test. If you always get a monthly period with your IUB and now you don’t, do a pregnancy test. It’s about getting used to what usually happens and then picking up on a difference.

So there you have it, some questions about the IUB that you might have been too shy to ask. If you have more questions about the IUB, send us a message.

Don’t be shy to ask us anything, because that’s what we’re here for!